Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream Recipe

Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream is a light and refreshing dessert, perfect for tropical flavor lovers.

Combining the natural sweetness of pineapple with the airy texture of whipped cream, this simple and quick recipe is ideal for finishing a meal on a fruity note.

Using Dole pineapple, a brand known for its high-quality fruit, this whipped cream can be served on its own, as a topping for cakes, or alongside other desserts.

It’s a delicious option for sunny days or special occasions.


2 tasses de morceaux d’ananas surgelés

1/4 tasse de lait de votre choix (laitier ou végétal)

2 cuillères à soupe de sucre ou de miel (à ajuster selon votre goût)

1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron

1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron vert

Une pincée de sel


Mixeur ou robot culinaire

Poche à douille avec douille étoilée (facultatif, pour servir)


Mélanger les ingrédients :

Placez les morceaux d’ananas congelés, le lait, le sucre ou le miel, le jus de citron, le jus de citron vert et une pincée de sel dans un mixeur ou un robot culinaire.

Mixez à vitesse élevée jusqu’à ce que le mélange devienne lisse et crémeux.

Vous devrez peut-être vous arrêter et remuer ou tasser le mélange plusieurs fois pour vous assurer que tout se mélange uniformément sans aucun morceau.

Ajuster la consistance et la saveur :

Si le mélange est trop épais, ajoutez un peu de lait et mixez à nouveau.

À l’inverse, s’il est trop liquide, ajoutez un peu d’ananas congelé et mixez à nouveau.

Goûtez et ajustez la douceur ou l’acidité avec plus de sucre ou de jus d’agrumes si nécessaire.

Servir immédiatement ou congeler :

Pour servir immédiatement, transférez le mélange dans une poche à douille munie d’une douille en étoile et versez-le dans des tasses ou des bols.

Vous obtiendrez ainsi ce look tourbillonnant classique de crème glacée molle.

Si vous ne le servez pas immédiatement, placez le mélange dans un récipient hermétique et congelez-le.

Avant de le servir, laissez-le décongeler quelques minutes puis fouettez-le brièvement au mixeur pour lui redonner sa texture crémeuse.


Le yogourt maison à l’ananas Dole Whip est non seulement un dessert amusant et facile à préparer, mais aussi une alternative plus saine à la crème glacée traditionnelle.

Sa saveur légère et fruitée en fait un excellent choix pour un dessert ou une collation rafraîchissante.

Que vous le serviez immédiatement après l’avoir mixé pour une texture molle ou que vous le congeliez pour une consistance plus ferme, ce yogourt maison à l’ananas Dole Whip apportera à coup sûr un goût des tropiques chez vous.

Savourez cette délicieuse concoction lors d’une journée chaude ou chaque fois que vous avez envie d’une escapade sucrée et fruitée !

Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream is a versatile dessert that can be customized in many ways to suit different tastes and occasions.

Here are some variations and tips to elevate your pineapple whipped cream recipe:


Coconut-Pineapple Whipped Cream:

    For a tropical twist, add a splash of coconut milk or a few tablespoons of shredded coconut to the whipped cream.

    The combination of pineapple and coconut gives a “Piña Colada” flavor, perfect for summer treats.

    Vanilla-Pineapple Whipped Cream:

      Mix in a teaspoon of vanilla extract for a deeper, richer flavor.

      The vanilla complements the sweetness of the pineapple and adds warmth to the dessert.

      Pineapple and Lime Whipped Cream:

        Add a hint of freshness by incorporating lime zest and a small amount of lime juice. The acidity of the lime brightens up the pineapple flavor and makes the cream even more refreshing.

        Pineapple Cream Cheese Whip:

          For a creamier, more decadent version, fold in softened cream cheese with the whipped cream.

          This variation creates a thicker texture and a tangy flavor that pairs well with pineapple.

          Spiced Pineapple Whipped Cream:

            Add a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger to the whipped cream for a warm, spiced flavor.

            This variation works great as a topping for holiday desserts.

            Pineapple and Berries Whipped Cream:

              Fold in fresh or frozen berries like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries for a burst of color and flavor.

              The berries add a nice contrast to the sweetness of the pineapple.

              Tips for Perfect Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream:

              Use Cold Ingredients:

                Make sure the cream, bowl, and beaters are cold before whipping.

                Cold ingredients will help the cream whip faster and hold its shape better.

                Drain Pineapple Well:

                  If you’re using canned Dole pineapple, be sure to drain the fruit thoroughly.

                  Excess liquid can make the whipped cream too watery and prevent it from holding stiff peaks.

                  Chill Before Serving:

                    For the best texture, refrigerate the whipped cream for at least 30 minutes before serving.

                    This allows the flavors to meld together and makes the cream more stable.

                    Don’t Overwhip:

                      Be careful not to overwhip the cream, as it can turn into butter.

                      Whip until soft or medium peaks form, then gently fold in the pineapple to avoid deflating the cream.

                      Sweeten to Taste:

                        Depending on how sweet your pineapple is, you may want to adjust the amount of sugar or omit it entirely.

                        Start with a small amount of powdered sugar and taste as you go.

                        Texture Variations:

                          For a smoother texture, finely chop the pineapple or blend it before adding it to the whipped cream.

                          For a chunkier version, leave the pineapple in small pieces for texture contrast.

                          Use Fresh Pineapple:

                            If possible, use fresh Dole pineapple for the best flavor.

                            If using canned, opt for pineapple in its own juice instead of syrup to avoid adding extra sweetness.

                            By experimenting with these variations and following these tips, you can create a delightful Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream tailored to your preferences, whether you’re looking for a simple treat or a more complex dessert.

                            Storing Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream properly ensures that it stays fresh and maintains its texture. Here’s how to store it effectively for short-term use:


                            Duration: Pineapple whipped cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days.


                            Transfer the whipped cream to an airtight container.

                            Place it in the refrigerator to keep it cool and prevent the whipped cream from breaking down.

                            If the whipped cream has lost some of its volume, you can gently re-whip it before serving.


                              Freezing is not recommended for whipped cream-based recipes because the texture can become grainy or separated once thawed, especially with the added moisture from pineapple.

                              If freezing is necessary, the texture will likely change, and you might need to re-whip it lightly after thawing.

                              Tips for Storing:

                              Prevent Separation: If the whipped cream starts to separate (due to the moisture in the pineapple), give it a gentle stir or whisk before serving to bring it back to its original consistency.

                              Avoid Excess Moisture: To help it last longer, make sure the pineapple is well-drained before folding it into the whipped cream. Too much moisture can cause the cream to become watery.

                              By following these steps, you can store Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream and keep it fresh for a few days without losing its delightful flavor and texture.

                              The nutritional content of Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream will depend on the exact quantities of ingredients used.

                              Below is an approximate breakdown based on a basic recipe made with heavy cream, Dole pineapple (canned in juice), and a small amount of sugar:

                              Nutritional Information (per 1/2 cup serving):

                              Calories: 180 – 220 kcal

                              Protein: 1 – 2 g

                              Fat: 16 – 18 g

                              Saturated Fat: 10 – 12 g

                              Carbohydrates: 10 – 15 g

                              Sugars: 8 – 12 g (from both pineapple and added sugar)

                              Fiber: 1 – 2 g (from pineapple)

                              Sodium: 20 – 40 mg

                              Cholesterol: 45 – 55 mg

                              Vitamin C: 15 – 25% of the daily value (from pineapple)

                              Calcium: 4 – 6% of the daily value

                              Factors Affecting Nutritional Content:

                              Heavy Cream: The fat content can be high due to the heavy cream.

                              You can reduce calories and fat by using a lighter cream or whipped topping, though the texture may be less rich.

                              Pineapple: If using fresh pineapple or pineapple canned in its own juice (rather than syrup), the sugar content will be lower. Fresh pineapple will also add more fiber and vitamin C.

                              Sweetener: The amount of sugar added can significantly impact the carbohydrate and calorie content.

                              You can adjust or replace it with a low-calorie sweetener if preferred.

                                This breakdown gives an overall idea of the nutritional value of Dole Pineapple Whipped Cream, making it a relatively rich and indulgent dessert, but with the added benefits of vitamin C from the pineapple.

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